On Thursday Comcast will launch its own subscription-based streaming video service, Xfinity Streampix. The name alone shows just how badly the cable provider wants to cut into Netflix’s total dominance of the streaming video market, and their service does offer some key advantages such as the potential to offer new shows as they air (though [...]
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Comcast can name the service as close to Netflix all it wants, Streampix will never be a true competitor to Netflix as long as it only available to Comcast subscribers. I could be ten times the better streaming service then Netflix, and it still wouldn’t make an ounce of difference for most of Netflix subscribers. Can you see a Netflix subscriber saying “I should dump my $7.99 a month charge for Netflix streaming, and go with a $4.99 charge for streaming plus a cable a month!” It might make a difference when a potential subscriber is looking at services, but that would still be a small portion. Since I have been working at DISH I have seen how much value of a large on demand cache is. Subscribers will go nuts over being able to stream more content. When I was looking for more content to stream, I wanted more then just streaming so I went with the Blockbuster @home plan through DISH. Not only does it add thousand of movies and dhow streaming on my computer and television but I have DVD by mail with tons of choices. I want to stream, but I also like movie night with the wife.